Can you imagine life without electricity?!
No telephone lines, No railway transits (except for local buses and
jeepney), Cancelled flights, No internet, No signal, No t.v, No nothing.
Heck, even the water supply comes close to shortage.
More like the reality t.v. series, The Survivor.
The other day,(reason for not posting) a typhoon called Basyang-
Int'l name Conson hit our country causing massive standstill that almost puts
us all to a halt.
If Ondoy (Ketsana) last sept'09, devastated a lot of infrastructures because
of extreme flooding.
Basyang (Conson) on the other hand gave us strong and angry winds that struck down power plants causing the whole area of Luzon into "Blackout" (again!)
Lucky if you've got a fully charged generator and a full tank of water supply.
In our area, It took us more than a day,(waiting in vain) before electricity
finally arrived and things went back to normal.
Meanwhile, We have no choice but to patiently wait.
What's really unnerving was how the government and the local sector handles
the whole situation with no clear and right direction.
A catastrophe like this happens almost every year but the situation never
gets better.
There are lots of missing links and the "what must have" been done earlier,
than waiting for disaster to happen.
It's always "que sera sera"-whatever will be, will be.
Much said, I wish the newly elected public officials will take this matter seriously as more typhoons will be coming in the months ahead.
some bits
Pepperoni and I
caught sight of:

Swaying to and fro coco trees.

damaged road signage

masses of garbage left along the bay, this man was apparently not clearing out the garbage, he's picking what's still useful to him.
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