A typical depiction of the manger or simply " Belen " as we call it here.
that which symbolizes the birth of Christ and His love for us.
This display can be seen outside the Seafarer's welfare assoc. along UN ave.
On another note:
I'll be off on a trip with Pepperoni to visit the mystical architectures of Gaudi and wander the streets of Champs Elysees.
Yes, a trip to Europe sounds fun, but all the planning and Visa meet up
can be a bit overwhelming.
details which I'll post soon on my other blog : Mon Journal de Voyage when I get home.
Meanwhile, I wish every dear bloggie a very Merry Christmas. ^0^
I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record but every
comment you post, means a lot to this blog.
So, a Big Thank YOu to all. ^0^
see you in 2012`
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