~ an old spanish brasserie called Casino Español... serving original spanish cuisine... this is only the exterior part of the restaurant. It is located along t.m. kalaw and literally beside Instituto Cervantes ( a spanish school ).
This place was inaugurated on January 1917 by Claro M. recto ...
In a plaque written in Spanish :
Casa de Espana
Olimpo de las artes
templo del porvenir
bendita seas las musas
danzaran sobre tu cesped
y gustaran la miel de tus colmenas
Es el manantial donde las almas nobles el agua
pura del ensueno besan,
la torre de marfil donde se guarde
el tesoro ideal de nuestra lengua
~ translation:
The house of Spain
Olympus of the arts
Temple of the future
Blessed are the muses who dances at
the lawn and
tasted the honey from your bee hives
It is the source where the souls of the noble of
pure water dream kisses ,
the tower of ivory to look out for,
the ideal treasure of our tongue...
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